Girls and only Girls
The women's commune
Of course not our real names, lol
Based on an Island near Fukuoka, the commune is a women only retreat
for women to discover themselves, their sexuality, who they really are.
Some are older girls and sadly
unhappy married women still living in terrible marriages, others luckily
already have divorced from them but are
needing recovery, but most are young women that have recently come out or are
in the process of doing so. Most are fully lesbian although some are bisexual.
No men are allowed within the
commume ever, even the local police respect that.
The owner of the commune a lovely 50+ woman, that sadly had suffered
many years of mental and physical abuse from her ex-husband an American super
wealthy businessman .
The commune is made up of the main house and maybe 25 to 30 little
lodge houses and cabins, with 6 - 2 bedrooms in each, private spas each,
kitchens etc.
The main house, has a number of private rooms
the hostel and main kitchen, large spa and the activity rooms , plus acres of
gardens, woods and natural spas surround the buildings leading down to the
private beach.
There are probably around 100 to
150 women there at any one time, split between guests and full time residents.
The guests are mostly Japanese, Chinese, Singaporean or Korean and usually come
as a couple or in small groups, very few singles.
It’s clothes optional but most
are naked all of the time, clothes outside in the winter of course, lol
The day usually begins with a
yoga or Tia che classes (that’s good), breakfast then workshops on female to
female sex and tantric sex, sexuality/ self discovery, living together/
relationship forums and various support groups etc.
The maid is teaching everyone
Capreala, that’s cool and they love it.
Guests can either stay at the
main lodge or book one of the smaller lodges or cabins. It’s all very laid back
and you can choose which activities you want to do.
Guests are required to assist
with cooking and chores if staying more than a weekend.
The full time staff are all very
friendly and helpful.
The owner / leader of the commune
The front desk
lodge staff
The resident instructors
run most of the workshops
run most of the workshops
The kitchen and ground staff
Life in the
As far as sex goes, well we so
far you can have sex with just about everyone either individually or as a part
of a group as long you/ they want to. The maid is loving the group thing, I’m
not really getting involved too much at the moment concentrating more on the
self-discovery and tantric activities with Cici and Ingrid. They seem to share
closer interests to me than the others in regard to “lifestyle”.
A spectacular “long weekend” which
ended too soon with Ingid, Sandy and Ann returning to Tokyo, while the maid, me
and Cici remained here.
The spar at the back of our
lodge, I love.
Our Lodge
Daily chores : from laundry
through getting your lodge supplies to kitchen work.
Daily fun; yoga, group discussion through to tantric lovemaking.